Early Bird Registration Ends:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Participant Registration 

Registration Fees apply to vehicles (cars/trucks) and golf carts (available for multi-discount only):

$40- Early Bird  (Valid through February 17, 2025) - NO multiple vehicle discount during this time

$55- Pre-Registration (Valid February 18, 2025 - July 16,  2025) - Multiple vehicle discount available - see below**

$75- Late & Onsite Registration (Valid July 17, 2025  - July 20, 2025) - NO multiple vehicle discounts available onsite

**Multiple Vehicle Discount available ONLY on Pre-Registration price between February 18 - July 16. The cost will be $55 for the first vehicle and $40 for any additional vehicles/golf carts. You must complete your multiple vehicle purchase all in one transaction in order to receive the discount. Multiple vehicle discount is intended for the same person or those people living in the same household only.  

Pre-Registration will close on Wednesday, July 16th. Registration on-site will open on Thursday, July, 17. Anyone waiting to register on-site will be charged $75 for each vehicle or golf cart.

*Registration includes-  Wristbands for all 3-days for 2 adults, plus up to 5 kids 12 and under (riding in the registered vehicle) are included (no wristband needed for kids). You will receive a credential sticker and goodie bag (goodie bags available while supplies last). If you need to purchase additional spectator tickets for additional adults, you can do so online.

Registration is available online ONLY through the form below. If you have any questions regarding registration, please send an email to [email protected]

In order to participate in the cruise route inside the show, your vehicle must be street legal and insured. Golf Carts cannot be driven in the cruise route at any time.  Rules and Regulations are the bottom of this registration page and will also be emailed to you in your confirmation. There will be a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on disruptive behavior at all events. Bonnier LLC will pull your show credentials for any inappropriate conduct inside or outside of the show grounds.

If you would like to register more than one vehicle, click "Save Vehicle" at the end of the Registration process, then click on "Add Another Vehicle".



If you have purchased a reserved parking space through Bonnier in 2024 you can reserve the same parking space(s) for 2025 during this renewal phase, please email participantregis[email protected] (please include your vehicle registration confirmation) for a unique link to secure your space(s). YOU MUST FIRST REGISTER YOUR VEHICLE. Any 2024 reserved parking spaces NOT paid for by February 17th, 2025 will be released for other valued participants to purchase.

Reserved Participant Parking is the ability to reserve your vehicle's parking spot inside the Fairgrounds.  Spots that are reserved will be marked off for you so that they're ready when you arrive. There is a separate registration required for this program at $25 per space for the weekend and it is not included with your Registration. 

We plan to have the following features at the show. Please indicate which events you're interested in participating in. More information will be available closer to the show dates. (all features subject to change)

Check all that you plan to participate in:

Upload a photo of the vehicle you're registering and indicate any modifications you've made, and we will use select pictures to promote on our social media. Only participants that upload a photo and any modifications will be eligible for a website or social media feature. Photos MUST be uploaded during the registration process and cannot be added later. (Note: you can only upload 1 photo) Files accepted: .jpg .png .tiff .gif

What type(s) of product(s) are you most likely to purchase in the next six months?

Pre-purchase a 2025 Street Machine Nationals shirt and pick it up at the show! Deadline to order is July 4th 11:59pm.  T-shirts not picked up at the show will not be mailed. No Refunds.

To purchase multiple shirts, select size and click "Add"

Pre-Purchase a T-Shirt?

  • Adult  T-Shirts

    Adult T-Shirts



By purchasing a ticket, registering as a participant or registering as a racer at our event you are consenting to our privacy policy and agreeing to grant Bonnier use your personal information to send you enewsletters, surveys and offers and other marketing emails that keep you up to date with our news, events and products that may be of interest on behalf of Bonnier and our trusted partners. The opportunity to opt out of future communications will always be provided, and you have the right to amend your marketing preferences at any time

Accepting entry of any individual entering this event as a paid or comp spectator or participant each of the following persons (spouse, children and /or  guests), as represented and authorized by the person whose name appears as the purchaser, do hereby authorize, permit, give, grant, license, relinquish and release to the Street Machine Nationals, St Paul, MN, and to any of its affiliates, licensees agents and representatives, the absolute right to do each of the following activities involving each said persons, whether for commercial and non-commercial purposes and uses, whether in connection with, before, during, or after the event or otherwise, and without any further payment, consideration or notice from Street Machine Nationals, St Paul, MN  and in the sole discretion of Street Machine Nationals, St Paul, MN  to:

(a) photograph, draw, depict, copy characterize, and/or recreate any images or likeness of each said persons;

(b) print, publish and/or release details and /or information about any of said persons; and

(d) create, assemble, manufacture, print, distribute and/or sell advertising, magazines, brochures, flyers, posters, T-shirts, packaging, and/or articles of manufacture which show said persons, and/or any image thereof.

These rights to Street Machine Nationals, St Paul, MN  include, but are not limited to, any proprietary rights, intellectual property and/or copyright interests necessary to carry out each of the above-identified activities, and further includes world-wide, non-exclusive and royalty-free license.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software